


P.O. Box 802
San Fernando, Ca 91340

For order inquiries, please send email to:

Invoice Number INV-0006
Invoice Date November 20, 2018
Total Due $0.00
Meowz N Growls

2332 E. Washington Blvd #2
Pasadena, Ca. 91104
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
150 Custom Vehicle Graphics | 54-3551RA

2.75 mil calendered, 7 year durability with clean removablilty for 4 years | Air-egress, gray, permanent (per sq ft)

150 Vinyl Decal Installation

Installation of Vehicle Graphics (per s.f.)

5376 Vinyl Lettering

Custom Vinyl Lettering | Max Height 12" (per sq in)

5376 Vinyl Lettering Install

Set Up and Installation of custom lettering and/or logos. (per sq in)

Sub Total $1,497.62
Tax $115.20
Paid -$1,612.82
Total Due $0.00

You may pay this invoice online via PayPal by pressing the Green button on top or by Check (make all checks payable to Gafikos Digital Media and mail to P.O. BOX 802, San Fernando, CA. 91341). Please pay invoice prior to due date to avoid any late, re-connection, or re-scheduling fees. Your order will not be processed until payment is received.